“Our research looks at the specific ways in which such policies have materialized at the municipal level, and aims to evaluate specific models of policy intervention and their underlying policy regimes.”


PI: Erik Hitters

Expected end of subproject: winter 2015



Municipal creative industries policies and the mushrooming of CBCs

The creative industries have become a hype in municipal policies across Europe. This recent attention for targeted creative industries policies stems from increased focus on cultural production at the local urban level (cf. The Creative City, The Creative Class). The creative industries have been acknowledged for the own dynamics in cultural production, which is generally assumed to be strongly dependent on co-location and clustering. CBC’s, creative incubator spaces, cultural zones and quarters have mushroomed  thanks to municipal policy intervention. Our research looks at the specific ways in which such policies have materialized at the municipal level, and aims to evaluate specific models of policy intervention and their underlying policy regimes.