Science Meets Creativity conference
The CICI research team organized a conference in which recent research on innovation in the creative industries, as well as succesful Dutch practices were presented. Researchers, entrepreneurs and managers were invited to discuss the outcomes of the research so far, and to share experiences. You can find the program here, and a report under the publication section (in Dutch).
Powerpoint presentations (in Dutch):
– Hitters, E. ‘Cultures of Innovation in the Creative Industries Eerste Bevindingen’ (PDF)”
– Bhansing, P. ‘Cultures of Innovation in the Creative Industries Eerste Bevindingen’ (PDF)”
– Ebbers, J., ‘Netwerken in Creatieve Broedplaatsen’ (PDF)”
– De Jong, V., ‘Creatieve Broedplaatsen Succesfactoren voor het managen van de ‘zachte infrastructuur’ (PDF)”
– Hendriks, M. ‘Founded by All coöperatieve incubator voor design en techniek’ (PDF)”
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